Siam International Accounting Management Ltd.
This website's URL is prefixed by the secure HTTPS protocol. When sent via this protocol, data is protected by encryption to keep it secure from interception. Data cannot be modified or corrupted during transfer, intentionally or otherwise, without being detected.
The WorldPay payment system uses a combination of both established and innovative techniques to ensure the security and integrity of all sensitive data. Furthermore, WorldPay's web servers are certified by Thawte, a public Certificate Authority, ensuring that both the client and us may have confidence that nobody can impersonate WorldPay to obtain confidential information.
Certain highly confidential elements of our work are held on the deep web.
The internet has often been descibed as an iceberg. A small part of all the data available on the Internet can be described as the "surface web" - the tip of the iceberg, above the surface.
This is the part of the World Wide Web which is readily accessible by anyone and can be found by searching through conventional search engines. Below this surface is where the deep web exists .
The deep web is also called the invisible web, since data stored on it does not appear through conventional search engines. For example, password-protected webpages and personal email accounts are considered part of the deep web because they cannot be found through a Google search. The deep web holds approximately ninety-five percent of all data on the Internet.